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He Web. These sites allow computer users to play games with other computer users around the world. Ever wanted to play chess with a guy in Russia? Now you can. This site is fairly high-tech and requires that you have Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, a 486 processor and Internet connectivity. If you've got the proper hardware, all you need to do is download the games, fill out a "profile" (appearance, interests, game skills) and you're ready to play. Currently, the only games available are Backgammon, Spades, Hearts, Cribbage and Gin Rummy. Although there is a chat room for pre- and postgame jawing, there are no printed rules here, and (sad for me) nothing resembling Mah Jong. Internet Mah Jong Server (http: )--This jazzed-up Java site allows you to play Mah Jong over the Internet. Like the above site, it's a good place to meet and compete. Plenty of news bites keep you up-to-date in the world of Mah Jong--tournaments, conventions and other Mah Jong-related activities around the world are carefully chronicled here. Although I could play the game with someone off this site, the IMJS does presume a certain pre-existing knowledge of the game and its fundamentals. No help here. Durian League of Mah Jong ( ~hirokun )--Hiroyuki Takahashi is a Mah Jong-playin' fool. He's a member of the prestigious Durian League (at least I assume they're prestigious), and he's willing to share his gaming knowledge. Passing up a Windows version of Mah Jong (but noting it for later use), I eagerly punch up a category listing titled "Rules of Jap

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